On August 21, 2017, LEAP hosted its second workshop to connect local municipality staff with regional wildlife professionals to discuss deer management options for municipalities. The event again addressed questions such as:
Jon Cepek, Cleveland Metroparks - (216) 739-6047
Jon is the Wildlife Ecologist for the Cleveland Metroparks. Prior to working for the Cleveland Metroparks, Jon was the District Supervisor for USDA Wildlife Services and a Wildlife Biologist for the National Wildlife Research Center. He has been involved in white-tailed deer management and research for over 16 years. In addition, he is the President of the Ohio Fish and Wildlife Management Association.
Caleb Wellman, USDA-Wildlife Services - (419) 625-9093
Caleb is currently the staff wildlife biologist for the United States Department of Agricultures, Wildlife Services Program for the Northern District of Ohio. In this role he provides technical assistance and administers a variety of wildlife damage management operations relating to the assessment, reduction, and/or elimination of problems associated with wildlife in urban, suburban, and rural environments. For the past seven years Caleb has assisted several northern Ohio communities and parks with planning and implementing deer damage management programs.
Scott Peters, Ohio Division of Wildlife - (330) 644-2293
Scott Peters is the Wildlife Management Supervisor for the Ohio Division of Wildlife District. Prior to coming to the Ohio Division of Wildlife he worked the previous five years for the Maryland Wildlife & Heritage Service managing the Wildlife Management Areas of central Maryland. He has worked several wildlife related jobs for a variety of government employers including jobs as a black bear & ruffed grouse trapping technician, forestry technician, graduate research assistant, science teacher, and as a wildlife technician.
John Paul Seman, USDA-Wildlife Services - (419) 625-9093
John Paul is a district supervisor and wildlife biologist for the United States Department of Agriculture’s-Wildlife Services Program for the Northern District of Ohio. He has 16 years of wildlife experience with a focus on human wildlife conflicts and provides technical assistance and administers a variety of operational management programs including deer damage management, wildlife safety programs on airports, goose management, protection of threatened and endangered species and wildlife disease management. For the past 7 years he has been directly involved in assisting cities and parks with education and implementation of deer damage management programs in a variety of urban and rural environments.
Erik Shaffer, Cleveland Metroparks - (440) 943-5360
Erik has worked within the Cleveland Metroparks Natural Resources division since 2009. His major responsibilities at Cleveland Metoparks include running the prescribed fire program, deer management program, and various land management projects across the park districts lands.
Geoff Westerfield, Ohio Division of Wildlife - (330) 245-3027
Geoff has been with the Division of Wildlife for 17 years. The majority of his time with the Division of Wildlife has involved working with private property owners regarding human-wildlife interaction issues with much of his work dealing with deer conflict. He has spent the last several years working with municipalities to develop deer mgmt. programs. In addition, he is the president of the Ohio Chapter of The Wildlife Society.